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The Importance of Battery Life for K-12 Tech Deployments

The Importance of Battery Life for K-12 Tech Deployments

Battery life for any device is a vital part of a student’s success in the classroom. Nowadays with technology playing such a prominent role in the K-12 education systems, having a dead battery can become a disruption and hassle during class. Without quality battery life, the benefits reaped by this essential learning tool will not be able to serve its valuable purpose for students.

Tablets, Chromebooks, and iPads can hold hundreds of digital files and textbooks, increase interaction and creativity, create a collaborative environment, support game and project-based learning and save a lot of money in the long run. Technology in education is everywhere and this “digital conversation” in schools will only grow year after year. This year alone, state standardized tests for the elementary and middle grades are being administered via technology than by paper and pencil for the first time. That is why it is essential to select the right charging solutions whether that is power bricks or charging carts.

Benefits of charging carts:

·Compatible with different devices (iPad models, chromebook, tablets, etc.)

·Syncing option


·Simultaneous charging

·Ability to lock and protect devices

·Safe and smart charger alternative

·Turns off automatically

·Eliminates time consuming wiring

The drawbacks of this charging solution is the higher cost and the larger size compared to bricks. The convenience factor should also be taken into consideration; students who are responsible and can keep track of their individual brick may prefer that method of battery charging opposed to leaving their electronics in the carts overnight or for long periods of time.

Benefits of power bricks:


·Heat reduction

·Reduced size and weight

·Easy replacement

·Versatility & Portability

·Students & teachers can take home

Some drawbacks associated with the brick include common misplacement when making students responsible for bringing it to and from school. Compression of the brick against the laptop or iPad may create the risk of damaging the screen while stored in a students backpack.

Currently, schools are using both specially designed charging carts and power bricks to provide students with the ability to power up their devices at their easiest convenience. With these resources, they can be ready to participate in whatever activity is required of the device at a moments notice. Powering means productivity.

See more K-12 Technology Deployment White Papers and Case Studies

Read more about IT Advantages of Chromebook Deployments

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